Wednesday 26 January 2011

Why I'm here.

I'm not entirely sure I'll properly have time to do this.
I'm a 31-year-old married father of a toddler, a year away from finishing my PhD in Film Studies.  I'm trying to work my way into academia, looking for jobs and trying to establish my publishing background as well.  I work part-time at a secondhand bookshop.  As a teen I was obsessed with music, and still play a bit from time to time.
Hence, I love my family, film, music, and books.  Maybe some of you feel the same way to a degree and want to read something from someone you can relate to.
If I manage to keep this blog going, you'll see what's fetching my goat- the things I've been watching, listening to or reading, that have generated some thoughts I'd like to share.  I won't go too far down the academic route, nor will I pretend to be a decent critic.  What I will do is just share things I've liked, disliked, and general tendencies and links in my consumption habits, time willing.

Feel free to leave comments and ask me questions.  Or even make suggestions that you think might appeal to me.
I hope, if you're reading this, you will find it at least a bit entertaining. 
Many thanks, and I'll be updating soon!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see what you come up with to hearing about great new movies and music!
