Monday 27 February 2012

Reviving the Goat

Hey guys (non-gendered friendly  pronoun),

So my parents have been visiting for the last six weeks (Amazing folks, them), and this has really given me a chance to re-watch some films, when I normally view more new ones.
Among these re-watchings: The Big Sleep, Double Indemnity (dialogue has never been written better than in either of these), Inception (still thoroughly impressed), and ITV's adaptation of The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher (Close to the book, only slightly tiresome).  Also, although they provided semi-awkward viewing experiences with my parents, I still thoroughly enjoyed re-watching Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, The Fury and Eastern Promises. All of them are still astounding, and The Fury, though my parents found it silly, is explosive. Really. Explosive.

I have also been able to see a couple of films that I have managed to miss thus far: The Last Samurai (semi-formulaic but very impressive), and Play Misty for Me (Gender Politics? What? It was awesome, yeah? Question marks?)

The other night I just finished reading the first volume of Peter Ackroyd's  proposed six-volume set on the history of England, entitled Foundation.  It was a very compelling narrative history from the very VERY beginning up to Henry VII and the start of the Tudor period.  I am eagerly looking forward to the next volume.  Ackroyd is incredibly accessible and readable, and if you want a fun beef up on your English history, I would definitely recommend.  I also read American Psycho for the first time, and I have no words to express how much I loved it.  Maybe I do. Funtabulous...? That's a word, right?

Since the new year, I've been listening to the Reznor/Ross 3 hour soundtrack to Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.  Very dark and bleak, but incredibly lovely.  I've also started revisiting late 80s Sonic Youth, including Sister, Daydream Nation and Ciccone Youth's The Whitey Album.  These are standard Sonic Youth fare, but each time I listen there is something new to be gleaned.

Right, This isn't particularly detailed, but this is largely an excuse to get the blog jump-started again.
Feel free to read my old posts, friends, and do ask if there's anything you'd like me to cover, assuming you can be bothered to listen to me natter.

Many thanks, and I'll try to blog more regularly.
Tell your friends and subject them to me.

Oh yeah, my kid can't stop watching The Muppets Take Manhattan. It's kind of sweet.

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